What is ShareBlue?

Patriots, A recent document surfaced from ShareBlue on how to “handle” the recent death of Epstein, and talking points to follow for narrative purposes. But what is ShareBlue Exactly. Here is Share Blue in their words.




ShareBlue declares that they are a cyber front to “take back” social media FOR THE “Democrats” and are a multi-platform media company to “de-legitimize” The Presidency of Donald Trump.




“Partisan Combat” Includes upholding the fake Russian Narrative, as well as the the fake White Supremacy Narrative. Facts are not enough for ShareBlue and they cite the need for emotional “engagement”( manipulation)




Here are some of the Narratives peddled by ShareBlue.
Sound Familiar ???




ShareBlue also admits to having a Proprietary algorithm with intents to amplify Negative Trump sentiment, and bolster positive news for “The Resistance”




Remember the Kavanaugh hearings ? Same talking points that divided our Great Nation, for what, a lie !?!?!




And now the recent “White Supremacy” narrative being pushed by mainstream media currently ? Has anyone stopped and asked themselves why both “Manifestos” were initially posted on FB Platforms? Why wasn’t Zuckaturd et. al. not taken down? 8chan is a scapegoat




All of these false narratives, fake news, shadow banning of users, de-platforming sites, All because “They Got Clobbered ” in the Digital Space in 2016. What they fail to realize is they got clobbered because the “Democrats” ran on a morally bankrupt platform !




This is from 2017=2020 Action Plan for Media Matters, American Bridge, CREW, and ShareBlue.


Source:  https://www.scribd.com/document/337535680/Full-David-Brock-Confidential-Memo-On-Fighting-Trump


Democratic propaganda figure David Brock’s organization Shareblue appears to be a apparent front group being used by a number of Chinese, Middle Eastern, British, Israeli, Mexican and American special interests to spread anti-Trump and anti-democratic rhetoric both during the presidential election as well as in its aftermath.


ShareBlue’s Parent Company is partially owned by a group with ties to Chinese tycoon Ke Xiping and the Chinese government.


Shareblue’s website was registered by their Chief Operating Officer Joshua Nerpel on behalf of True Blue Media LLC. True Blue Media LLC is owned by David Brock and was used to purchase Shareblue’s political commentary platform when it was known as Blue Nation Review. Blue Nation Review had previously been used during the Democratic primary as a way for paid trolls working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign to target Bernie Sanders supporters online and was described as having an extreme left bias.



ShareBlue COO and Website Registrant has ties to an organization used by British, Arab, and Israeli special interests, as well as the Clinton Foundation



Following the various connections of Shareblue employees leads to a global chase wading through a number of other “charitable” Foundations and front companies being used as vessels to maintain lines of communication between global players hoping to pull strings and use Brock’s propaganda to influence the minds of American voters. Many of the individuals involved with Shareblue have troubling histories as corporate lobbyists and consultants for a large list of special interest groups, raising questions about the various sources of influence pulling strings in the Democratic propaganda machine.


Source:  https://disobedientmedia.com/2017/02/democrat-propaganda-group-shareblue-has-ties-to-chinese-government-host-of-foreign-special-interests/


This research is far from over. We invite you to comment here, Twitter at https://twitter.com/534f57494c4f0a/status/1160734044276965378  or on 4 Chan at https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/223938495



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